Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Photo ops?

As many of you might have noticed my photos have recently (may be always) been pretty dismal.

I like the mast head photo here at Cold Thistle to inspire and peak your imagination. So it never has a photo credit or a description. It might well be a road cut in Montana or the North face of the Eiger. Your guess!

If any of you have a photo that you think should be on the mast head for a week or two...and it gets you excited about being back in the mountains send it along via email to rdburns@cnw.com in jpeg format.I'll add it to the collection. At some point you will likely see it show cased here.

Photos like the one belowsimply get me stoked and off my chair! Where skiing meets climbing! Be sure to double click on this one for full effect.

Photo courtesy of Trevor Hunt and http://www.coaststeepskier.com/wphome/

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