Monday, December 22, 2008

Crazy Horse - Night Blast and Ruth's 85th Birthday

Twice a year at Crazy Horse they do a night blast once on June 26thto commemorate the Anniversary of the Battle of Little Big Horn and Ruth Ziolkowski's birthdayand again September 6th to commemorate the death of Crazy Horse and the Birth of Korzak Ziolkowski

Gary swapped hours with another worker so we could go see it. It was sunny until about 5 pm and then dark clouds rolled in. fortunately the sky cleared just in time for the Laser Light Show at 9:30 and the Blast that followed.

Everyone was invited to have cake after the Blast

This was our 3rd visit toCrazy Horse and each time we see something we didn't see before. I love this quote.

Also we werelooking at a display on the Indian Sun Dance ritual. The Sun Dance is a ceremony practiced by North American Indian Nations and includes dancing, singing and drumming, the experience of visions, fasting, and, in the case of the Lakota, self-torture.The dancers were pierced through the breast or shoulder muscles by skewers which were tied to the center pole, and they danced by pulling back until their flesh tore away. The Sun Dance lasts from four to eight days starting at the sunset of the final day of preparation and ending at sunset. It showed a continuity between life and death - a regeneration. It shows that there is no true end to life, but a cycle of symbolic and true deaths and rebirths. All of nature is intertwined and dependent on one another. This gives an equal ground to everything on the Earth.

As we were looking at the paintings and reading the information a young Indian man came up to us, opened his shirt and said "This is what it looks like" and showed us his scars.

Then came the Night Blast

So glad the weather cleared!

Till Later,Meanwhile, we keep on Trek'n

Melissa and Gary

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