Friday, December 4, 2009

Have some Fun - make your own tombstone

Dick Eastman posted Make Your Own Online Tombstone with a link to the site. There is a maximum of 16 characters, including spaces, in each of the first 2 rows and 25 characters in the third row.

Mr. Eastman has issued a challenge from his blog: "... submit humorous or otherwise interesting words for use on a tombstone and post those words in the comments section" on his blog post." He will change the image in his post every day to reflect one of the latest submissions. Two weeks from today, he will change it to whatever he deems to be the funniest or most interesting tombstone message received and will leave that image online there forever. Here's your chance to have your words etched in (digital) stone!

Try it, Have Some Fun!! Here is what I came up with:

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