Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy 15th Birthday Austin!

One of the things we had to adjust to when first going out "on the road" was the fact that we could not count on people we knew being around. It is a huge transition to never knowing exactly who will be around. For the most part, you just learn to adjust and it's not a big deal in time. Still, things like birthdays can feel kind of lonely.

This year, Austin's birthday turned out to be anything but lonely. Because we are still camping with so many other Families on the Road people, we had lots of people around. Early in the day, they decorated our RV:

How cool is that? On top of all of the friends here, our travel buddies arrived yesterday so he had family here too. We had a big surprise party for him. The Evans kept him contained inside until we were ready for him. All the kids hid with silly string in hand:

Surprise, Austin!

He had a great time!

Happy Birthday, dude! Rock on! You have made the last 15 years so interesting, so here's to many more fun years to you!

Living the life surrounded by love in Florida!

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