Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Phend-Fisher Family Reunion Ledger (1938)

The 29th annual reunion of the Phend family was held in the Nappanee community Park, August 28th 1938.

Reunion will be held in Nappanee again next year.

A motion was made to retain same pres for another year. "Henry Phend"
Fred Ernest - Vice Pres.
Bob Bechtel - Sec'y Treas.
Mrs. Cecil Phend - Entertainment Com.

Reservation will be made for the pavilion for next year.

Bal on hand .87
Coll. 3.11
[balance] 3.98

Births this year
Judith Alice Phend daughter of Donald & Henretta

Total 3.98
Park fee 2.00
Notices .87
Bal. 1.11

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