Monday, March 25, 2013

Hovenweep National Monument

In the southeast corner of Utah and southwest corner of Colorado lie the ruins of several prehistoric, Puebloan-era villages in a place called Hovenweep. It is not far from the Four Corners Monument, which is the only place in the United States where four states - Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado - come together and where a person can be in four states at the same time. But you can't do that until July because it is closed for renovation!

In the early evening light at Hovenweep, the structures within the canyon were not easily seen. Those on the rim of the canyon took on an other-worldly aura, especially when viewed in the last rays of the setting sun. Still, I stood looking in awe of those who had built them and looked forward to tomorrow when they could be seen better in the light of day!

Photographs taken on May 18, ...

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