Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Pitsford Water clockwise

With Marta. Very cold wind again, but dry and occasionally almost bright. Just under 7 miles.

We hit a cracking pace during the first part in order to keep warm. All the same we found a spot that was sheltered enough for a 20 minute coffee break. The trick is to avoid the exposed wooden seats, and go to ground level behind hedges or woodland. Those lightweight mats are worth their weight in - coffee.

We saw plenty of birds today - Canada geese, coots, tufted ducks, mallards, great crested grebe, swans, pink-footed geese, a kestrel, possibly a fieldfare.

This was the snowiest part of the walk - most of the path was clear


Tufted ducks

This looks a strange landing posture

Just brrr!

Not many pics - too busy walking fast to keep warm.

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