Sunday, May 17, 2015

Henry Barber

I mentioned "HOT" Henry Barber last week. If Henry "climbed a little", I've never climbed at all.` Few personalities of the several generations I have been privileged to climb with have really impressed me. Henry was one of the few.

First time I met Henry was at OR several years ago. I had clearlyembarrassed Henrytelling him how much of a hero he had been to my own climbing back in the '70s. Two old gray hair guys standing in the middle of the ORshow floor and farther from climbing than ever before. But still climbing.

The rest of the world just in the way more these days.

But if didn't embarrass me admitting it. I felt like a teenager again recounting in my own head the things that Henry inspired in my own climbing. It was a very good time to be alive and so much to learn.

Rob Taylor in the Hemsedal Valley, Norway. 1977 Henry Barber photo. FA Vettisfossen 300m, WI5

Cool thing about Henry is he wasn't just a rock climber. He was an exceptional ice climber as well. By even today's standards. Much to Henry's climbing history. Tiny bit of it here.

More on Henry here:

Check out

There are somegems there. Another find from OR.

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