Tuesday, June 30, 2015

County Fair

We had barely gotten over all the excitement from our only-four-days-apart birthdays, when it was time for the county fair.

Several years ago I discovered - all of the sudden - while I was actually on one - that I didn't really like rides anymore.

But I thought it would be fun to try nighttime photography.

This one is called Wipeout. It also does this:

No, thanks.

Hey, is that Cyclops from the X-Men?

People seemed excited to get aboard "The Tornado".

There was a lot of high-pitched squealing and loud whooping. But the line was very long, so the ride was very short. I think the people were too dizzy to complain about being short-changed.

More my speed nowdays:

We're having several of the real version of this throughout Alabama this afternoon, thanks to storm bands from Hurricane Rita.

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