Thursday, January 22, 2009

Previously Unidentified, their identities are now known!

Another contact has been made... this time with a Wiseman Cousin on the order of 3rd cousin once removed. And, as a result, several of my "Mystery Photos" that were posted a few years ago have been identified!

I've been in touch with Nancy, who left comments on two posts yesterday. She recognized one of the photos because it is the same one hanging on a wall in her hallway! Nancy is the great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Howard Wiseman whom I knew as "Uncle" Howard (he died when I was 8 years old). Howard was the son of my great-grandfather's brother, thus my 1st cousin twice removed.

Back in January .. I posted Little Darlings! Who are you? and was way off on my estimation of the date of the photos. Once it was determined, with help from a few readers, that the pictures were taken in the 1908-1909 time frame, I don't know why I didn't "connect" them with Howard's children. His daughter, Lucille, was born November 12, 1904 and his son, Robert was born August 4, 1907 - both in Kosciusko County, Indiana. Lucille is Nancy's grandmother.

Robert Wiseman, about 18 months to 2 years old, and Lucille Wiseman, about age 4. This is the photo that Nancy has hanging in a hall in her home.

I think this photo is also Lucille.

This photo was originally posted with the other two but I don't think it is Lucille and Robert - the style seems a little older to me - but I could be wrong ;-)

Anyway, two out of three is fine with me! And I'm very happy to have made contact with another cousin too.

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