Saturday, August 1, 2009

Visiting With Family in Clermont

It has been a weird crazy busy kind of week for the past two weeks and then I got sick. So I'm glad we did still manage to fit in a visit to my aunt and uncle's house. My Aunt Shirley and Uncle Bob are like my second parents to me. They are what Austin calls "good people". I love them dearly. On top of that, my aunt is one of the best cooks I know and she always fixes a feast when we visit. This trip was no exception.

I also got to catch up some with my cousins Stacy and Karen. Stacy's daughter, Kayla has grown to the super beauty stage. I think it's time to lock her up until she hits 30. Not really, but she is a cute one and was a sweetie too. We had a great visit!

This has been one of the neat benefits to travel. We don't see the family we lived by as often as we'd like. But we have seen extended family more in the past eighteen months.

Living the life with loving family in Florida!

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