Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Goadby - fig of 8 via Noseley and Rolleston

Led by me, with Maureen, Barry, Gordon and Eddie. Chilly - even some light snow at the start. One glimpse of the sun in the last half-mile. Underfoot mainly firm, but with muddy patches. Just about 9 miles in all.

We take the minor road towards Glooston and follow it as far as Glooston Lodge Farm with it sign warning of "free range children and animals". we turn right next to a big barn where a farmer is transporting bales of hay to feed the cows which are still indoors this year.

The path is clear, for a while, then goes uphill across a field, where we aim for the pylons, and then the waymarker to our right. At this point we find ourselves a little too far over to the left , and have to retrace our steps along the stream to find the footbridge.

After this it's more or less a case of following the waymarkers, through the edge of Noseley Wood, and then through fields to a metalled track, and across a couple more fields to the road. There's still snow around, and mud or water under a covering of ice at many of the gates.

When we reach the road we turn right and pass the fine gates and drive to Noseley Hall - there's a sign to the cookery school which is run there.

We follow the road past the right turn to Goadby, and turn left along a footpath between hedges leading uphill. The wind's pretty fierce, but we cross another field into some more woodland and find a sheltered spot for a break. Our path continues until we meet a clear track which takes us past Rolleston Lake.

We carry on for another quarter of a mile or so to Rolleston Hall and church.

Back along the same route, past Goldsmith's cottage, until we meet the footpath to Tugby. This goes alongside Pop's spinney, through a field where the farmer has just brought some sheep and lambs. We follow the yellow posts towards Tugby, but turn right before we reach the village. Our way lies past Lake House Farm, and out to the road from Tugby. We take the road directly opposite the footpath, which leads us along a gentle flat half mile or so back to Goadby.

Hellebore flowering by the roadside in Goadby

Some history of Rolleston Hall and the church

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