Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mother Natures Whims

All the morning glories I grew this year were volunteer seeds that had fallen from last years plants and been planted by the whims of mother nature. These photos show the same area there were growing in last year and most of those were also volunteer seed plantings. This landscape design by mother nature couldn't have been better. The plants formed a pathway up to the patio and the plants in front of the patio grew in a nice circle around the first post. The plants by the middle post climbed up, round and around and managed to grab hold of the last years gourds that were hanging from the roof line.
But! Now all those morning glory plants, as well as the marigolds, zinnias, and tomatoes are now gone. We pulled them out today, scattering seeds hither and yon. We have plans to enclose the patio making it a sunroom. But it probably won't be done by next spring when the morning glories start growing again.

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